Welcome to my website! I’m so glad you’ve discovered it, and hope you will take the time to explore.
I love learning about new things and new places, and I am very lucky to be able to write about them. Among the things I love to learn about are nature and food. I write articles about both in the media as well as for my own blog, “A Moveable Feast.” Please check them out! And if I ever find a publisher, I have a food history/cookbook that I pray will see itself in bookstores one day.
One of my recent adventures has been learning about the full moon, something that has fascinated me for years. The result: Once in a Full Moon, a picture book that tells in rhyme the stories behind the different names for our monthly visitor in the night sky.
I had such a good time writing Moon and got such a warm response from readers that I looked up to the sky once more for inspiration. The result is Pirate Ships and Shooting Stars. Told in rhyme like its predecessor, my new book encourages young children — and their readers! — to use their imaginations when looking up to the sky. From rainbows to constellations to pictures in the clouds, there is so much to see if only they look up.
And there’s a podcast to go along with it! In Skygazing with Carolinda (available on most podcasting services) I talk about the many amazing things going on in the sky, from lunar eclipses to meteor showers to the Northern lights.
And then there’s my guilty pleasure: the mystery. I love solving puzzles, and there’s nothing more puzzling than a murder mystery. I also love the justice that comes at the end of a good whodunnit. So, I’ve been writing and publishing short stories in the genre and now my very first novel, The First Murder is out.
Mystery writing also has its own podcast. In Murder We Write (also available just about everywhere) I talk with mystery writers about their craft, their process, and the business of writing. The links to both are below.
Want an autographed copy of my picture books? Please tell me to whom you would like the books inscribed!
I look forward to hearing from you! Please let me know what you’d like to learn about!