Regardless of where you stand on the Edward Snowden issue – was he a traitor or a patriot? – I think he is running the risk of being labeled a major coward. Snowden was willing to divulge highly sensitive national security information to which he had access, in the belief that we Americans have the right to know everything that our government is doing. But, now he’s running from country to country so that he doesn’t have to face the consequences of his actions. If Snowden were truly the hero that some are making him out to be, then he should man up and defend himself in a court of law instead of hiding behind the Mommy-skirts of China, Russia, and Ecuador.
Talking heads have claimed that Snowden was too low level to see many of the things he claims to have seen, although we all know just how much young geeks are capable of hacking. But, it doesn’t really matter whether he saw secret nuclear codes or his boss’s lunch order. The guy broke a contract with his employer. He broke the law by broadcasting to the world information that could put real flesh-and-blood people at real risk.
He should stop hiding and have his day in court.
You make this complicated situation is so clear!
Well said, as always, Snowden wants to hide out in Russia – how’s about spending his days in a nice little room for one in Siberia.